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. "Nothing more than to obtain a favourable answer to my suit," replied Kneebone. Perhaps in two or three weeks. "I'll now pay the debt I owe you," cried Jack, tightening his grip till the thieftaker blackened in the face. This manoeuvre was so suddenly executed that it took Abraham completely by surprise. " "Ay, marry," replied Wood, with a look that seemed to say that he did not think it required any surprising skill in the art of divination to predict the doom of the individual in question; but whatever opinion he might entertain, he contented himself with inquiring into the grounds of the conjuror's evil augury respecting the infant. ” A little sobbing cry from Annabel arrested Sir John’s attention. “Tell me his name,” he said, “and I promise that he shall never trouble you. CHAPTER XXII Every morning at dawn it was Spurlock's custom to take a plunge in the lagoon. Say, that girl fooled me at first glance.